I decided to clean my room, because it was the only option left for me to get my identity back. I never bothered to clean my room or keep...

3 days ago, I had seen the crazy error in my ‘SLC (School Leaving Certificate) mark sheet’; MY NAME WAS SPELLED WRONG! Crazier, I noticed it nearly 4 years. I joined high school by submitting that certificate, I joined college with the same certificate and I got in without any trouble. Not a single person noticed that small error in my mark sheet. All the places I submitted my certificate to had careless people who did not bother to actually ‘check’ the certificate, whoa! Now I get how those people with fake certificates get in so easily. I was the most careless of all, I still didn’t have my +2 certificate in my hand because I thought I’d bring it from Higher Secondary Education Board whenever I needed it. When Tribhuwan University asked for our certificates, I was forced to give an application for my +2 transcript. That day, when I took out my SLC certificate to leave for HSEB (Which is BTW 5 minutes away from my home), my eyes popped open and my heart beat faster after I glanced an extra ‘i’ in my gorgeous name. ‘Prajiwalla’!!! And the worst part was I had to submit those certificates to TU within two weeks.
I freaked out and showed it to my father who was sitting just besides me. I turned red. I decided to go to HSEB without mentioning anything about my misspelled name, who knows one more careless person with a poor eye-sight could be waiting for me? But no! That lady did see the error and sent me to another room for ‘name correction’. One lady nearly changed my name to ‘Prajiwalla’ from ‘Prajwalla’ permanently because she knew that changing a name after 6 months of receiving the certificate was a real hard task and the possibility that the officials would do it was damn low. I nearly got into a feud with that woman because my name was ‘Prajwalla’ not ‘Prajiwalla’ and she tried to change my identity. I showed my citizenship to prove I’m right, but she signed a paper saying ‘We request you to change her name from ‘Prajwalla’ to ‘Prajwalla’; how absurd!
I wouldn’t let my name be there with an extra ‘i’ at any cost, they asked for admit card of my SLC, but……. I FREAKING LOST IT! I was actually forced to clean my house that day to search for it while I didn’t find it anywhere, but I did find a copy of it between the copies of all our house bills. Ahh… what a relief! But no! Those officials at SLC board wouldn’t correct my name so easily, they asked for the original copy of the admit card which was nowhere to be found. It’s sad how our country has been breaking rules every now and then for things that matter and they had to stick to the rule of ‘original copy’ when a photo copy had everything clear on it.
I agree that was made to avoid false certificates but I had brought a recommendation letter from my school, my District leaving examination’s certificate and all the other stuffs I had. After making rounds of the office for a long time, finally they agreed to correct it with the use of some reference from somebody I knew at the office. The process after that is better not told about because thinking about the moments I spent around that office frustrates me, and I wasn’t ready to become ‘Prajiwalla’ permanently. Skipping my college’s cricket match in BBA cup (finals) in the middle, I went to collect my certificate with a friend who was in a hurry, they made me stay longer than expected because they didn’t bother to notice that my certificate was ready and it was lying on the table just in front of them. All of these because of an extra ‘i’ in my gorgeous name. I think I’m starting to hate the letter ‘I’, it reminds me of my tour to the SLC board in the late mornings before my college exams in the day, and yes I ruined my exams. They gave the certificate with my ‘real’ name but still in their official website, I am ‘Prajiwalla’; I don’t know when I’m getting into another trouble because of that, I’m expecting it soon. And no! I’m not ready to be ‘Prajiwalla’. ‘No!’ to my cousin who said, ‘Some Reema has become Seema because of an error in SLC certificate, it doesn’t matter”.
-Prajwalla Dahal