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In years to come, I'll be walking this road or a similar one Thinking of all the people that have bygone All the rights and wrongs ...
Prakash Subedi completed his MA in English from Tribhuvan University and MPhil in English from Pokhara University and works as a Lecturer...
Mourning god of repetition a cheap bottle for the days end with all the blue and grays we’ve ever mixed crying out the same who left hi...
following to catch the milky way tonight I head off a dream listening the cosmos. into the void my country, Running empty Rat...
Ishac Bertran continent. 2.2 (2012): 148–151 When things get complex, as they may indeed be getting, the distinction between tool...
If you wander in the streets of Kathmandu and eavesdrop people’s conversation then you’d probably hear this statement often: who runs Nep...
I decided to clean my room, because it was the only option left for me to get my identity back. I never bothered to clean my room or keep...
Deepak Adhikari is a Kathmandu-based journalist. He tweets at @Deepakadk. 1) In your two decades of journalism field , what have you ...
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